Giving Old Books New Life
Author Promotional Information
Hiram Bookstore will pay 70% of the Publisher’s price to authors selling books on consignment. Checks will be mailed between the 1st and 15th of the following month for totals over $10.00, otherwise they will be held until that amount is reached. Checks not cashed after 60 days will be voided.
Hiram Bookstore will reevaluate your sales after 60 days. If you haven’t sold any books within that period you may be asked to pick up your unsold books.
You will have 10 days to respond. Books left after that period will be placed into our inventory at a discounted price with no author compensation.
As a courtesy, Hiram Bookstore offers guest authors two promotional packages.
Authors who do not show up for their signing day will forefit their commission on any pre-sales.
Authors who leave early without the manager's permission will forefit their commission.
Package One: We will promote your signing event on Hiram Bookstore’s website, Multiple Facebook blurbs and an Email blast--70/30% split.